Solid for Data Wallets

A series of virtual Solid hackathons
March 10–19, 2025

Join us for a series of virtual Solid hackathons

Solid is more than just a protocol, a concept, or a technology. Solid is a movement, growing every day with exciting new deployments going live around the world. It is the vital piece of the third layer of the web, something that was missing in 1989 but that we now have.

Sharing the goal of enabling data portability and interoperability, Inrupt is organizing a series of mini hackathons, providing opportunities for developers everywhere to, once again, push the boundaries of technology and creativity. 

This hackathon series will be focused around Solid for Data Wallets. Earlier this year, Inrupt launched a new open source project, a Solid Data Wallet. We are delighted that the Open Wallet Foundation agreed to provide governance for the project going forward, and we are currently in the process of moving the project to the OWF Labs.

The Data Wallet creates new innovative opportunities for developers to explore multi-party data interactions, or data marketplaces, where the Wallet makes data available to other Solid apps. We look forward to seeing how developers create new functionalities and applications powered by data sharing. 

Each of our six hackathons will run for 10 days, starting the second Monday of the month. A team only needs to register once for the series, but is not required to participate in all of the hackathons. However, they must complete at least four of the six events to be eligible for the grand prize.

In the registration, each team should write a short user story that must include the use of the Solid Data Wallet in a multi-party scenario and building at least one additional app that uses the data from the Solid Data Wallet. The app(s) could use either the Wallet API or the Solid API. For each hackathon event, the team is expected to either create a new app or service or enhance previously built code in a meaningful way.

Each submission must include: 

  • MIT or Apache-2.0 licensed code repository
  • A short description of what was achieved
  • Optional, but strongly recommended: A short (under 5-minute) video describing what was built and providing verbal answers to a questionnaire about the pros and cons of using the Wallet and the Wallet API

The rewards for your innovation? Not only the thrill of competition and camaraderie, but also cash prizes. Each of the mini hackathons will have an independent prize pool distributed as follows:

  • First place: $500
  • Second place: $200

There will be an additional $500 grand prize for the team that gets the highest average point total across their top four highest-scoring projects. Join us on this exciting journey of technological evolution. It's your time to make a difference, to make a mark, to become a part of the Solid Wallet journey.

Key Dates for December Hackathon

March 10: Registration deadline.

March 10–19:
Time to think, design and build your project.

Participants will have access to a dedicated Slack workspace for guidance and support.

March 19: Submission deadline.