Thank You for Your Help

This is just the beginning of our journey to do our bit to decentralize the web – and we’d love your help
October 23, 2018

The last 48 hours have been a whirlwind. Thank you for your interest and curiosity in Inrupt and Solid. This is just the beginning of our journey to do our bit to decentralize the web – and we’d love your help.

We’ve had some questions about why Inrupt came out of stealth at this early stage. It’s because we believe that time is of the essence - the web needs changing now. We also believe in the old adage of “release early, release often”. While the code is still a prototype, it has been through a long journey, and we are quite confident that the foundations are clear. Now, we need to engage the community to help us prioritize, iterate, and evolve. We hope that the curiosity and creativity of our fellow developers will be channeled into a collective effort to build this shared future where the web, once again, empowers each of us.

We know Solid is a little rough around the edges now, but your input is critical to helping us shape the next phase of releases, which we are pushing regularly. We just rolled one today and are already collaborating with many of you on what we’ll include in the next one!

The end-user experience isn’t designed for regular everyday users just yet. Our hope and plan has been to engage developers, designers, and technology enthusiasts to help us shape what the experience will be. We want to enable you to build exciting, user-friendly apps at the same time that we are. Inrupt’s immediate focus is to help enrich the Developer Experience (DevX), and we believe that will naturally translate to awesome applications with great User Experience (UX).

There have been some amazing contributions flowing in already from people across the globe. So many of you believe in what we’re doing, and we’re appreciative of the feedback we’re receiving across the spectrum (especially the critical takes). It’s all valuable and we thank you for it! There’s a lot of interest in collaborating; we even had the first pull request within hours of going online!

For developers who haven’t dug in yet, you should start with the Solid Developer Portal, beginning with the Getting Started page. We just put this online two days ago, so the documentation you’re seeing today is only a small subset of what we’ve got planned. Our goal is to teach you exactly how Solid works, and how to work with it. We’ll be adding plenty more in the coming days and weeks to realize that goal. In the meantime, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, let us know! We’ll prioritize it, and we’ll do our best to help you directly in the meantime.

If you have more questions or feedback, we want to hear from you: talk to us in our Gitter Chatroom, or for anything you don't want to disclose on the chat, you can email us at

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