One Year Closer to A Re-Balanced Web

This week, Inrupt celebrates its first public birthday.
September 29, 2019

This week, Inrupt celebrates its first public birthday.

The first year in the life of any new venture is always filled with challenges, surprises and an abundance of education and opportunities. Relationships are built, doors are opened and piece by piece—if things go well—momentum is gained. This has been exactly the case here at Inrupt.

With our conviction that we can’t wait for the change that has slowly and inexorably been taking place on the web, our mission is to accelerate the true realization of Sir Tim's vision. This urgency and intent has driven our progress—with partners, prospects and people who both believe in Tim’s vision for a re-balanced web and are staking their careers to bring it to life. These fellow believers range from world-class developers and academics to entrepreneurs and enterprises.

We’re a fast growing, extended team. Decentralized and globally dispersed; increasingly diverse in our experiences, skills and mindsets. Working collaboratively to move the web to a better place for everyone.

Over these past 12 months, we’ve had the pleasure of sharing our vision and intent at many conferences and events. The reception has been exciting, endorsing and energizing.

We’re supporting a growing global open source community of talented developers, eager to be part of this movement, and we’ve helped host more than 21 Solid meetups in nine countries around the world

We’ve seen clear appetite from thoughtful technology vendors who we’re proud to call partners and from leading enterprises exploring with pilot programs what our platform can do. All share our excitement for the enormous innovation and value creation unleashed by Solid.

Tim and I, on behalf of the extended Inrupt team, would like to wholeheartedly thank everyone for a truly remarkable first year. Inrupt is forging a new era of private and secure innovation, and we hope you’ll stay tuned.

In the words of my co-founder, “the future is still so much bigger than the past.”

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